Saturday, June 7, 2014

Sloanie my Snugglebug

Sloane and I love to snuggle- a lot! So, being creative with nicknames, I call him my Snugglebug. This morning as we were in bed we were hugging and I told him I loved him so much I was gonna squeeze his guts out and gave him a big hug. I asked if I squeezed any of his guts out and he said, "no, just ear wax." I guess I was squeezing a little to high. 

Maybe I should try it with the older boys that aren't really into hygiene right now. I won't name names but they are the ones who look at me shocked when I suggest they brush their teeth or take a shower because they just did it ____ days ago. (Fill in the blank with a number higher than 1 and lower than 4. I do have my limits!)

Their idea of "summer hygiene" includes riding a bike through a sprinkler, spraying their hair with a water bottle, or playing baseball in the rain. Ooooh I forgot my favorite- spraying on some body spray. Cough cough. 

Back to Sloane the Snugglebug, I might squeeze a little tight, or spend too much time holding him, but I know what happens next. Soon he'll be taking sprinkler showers and running wild with the neighborhood gang. Even worse, some day before I even blink my eyes he'll be turning 22 like Skyler-my original Snugglebug.  I still squeeze Sky every chance I get but he doesn't look at me like my snuggles are the best thing in the world anymore. Hold on to that feeling as long as you can!

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