Monday, June 2, 2014

Back at it-Summer 2014

First REAL day of Vacation (Monday)!!
 Another summer with lofty goals- clean eating, daily exercise, organizing the house. I know I know, I've set these goals before-but this year my kids are older and more self-sufficient. They can all dress themselves, latch their own seat belts, even help themselves to a snack. 

So, day one and I'm up at 8:00. Already I'm a bit cranky because even though it stormed during the night and the dog shivered and whined on my bed the streets are dry which means 9:00 & 10:00 baseball practices were still on. So we were up and out the door before Kelly and Micheal started. Forgetting we were starting "clean eating" today I grabbed a sleeve of graham crackers and off we went. 

As usual in ND we were dressed for cloudy weather but it was also windy, drizzling, and cold! Stell played first and all went well- then it was Sloane's turn. It's his first try at organized sports and after 5 years of watching his siblings he was so excited!

 Excitement quickly changed to disappointment when he realized being on the field meant taking turns, waiting, being in the rain, and missing his siblings playing at the park.  He did get a chance to bat which was pretty cute and them I couldn't find my shivering white-haired ball player on the field. I knew he didn't get passed me so I wasn't in panic mode- yet.

 All of a sudden he struts out of the other teams dugout and says, "I'm done-let's go". If I was a younger, less drenched mom I would've used this as a teachable moment. "You're part of a team, blah, blah, blah" but I was really cold too.

 So as we were leaving he looks up at me with those big blue eyes and says, "Mommy, can we go home and snuggle in bed?" Yes!!!! So, that is where you will find us on our first REAL day of vacation!

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