Monday, June 6, 2011

Okay, so maybe not everyday is filled with excitement around here...or maybe we are just "used" to crazy now. We were all very excited to wake up to heat and sun today. Stellen (age 4) had his first tot ball practice. Of course he is our only leftie and his glove was nowhere to be found. So, I did what any normal mom would do in a pinch-sent him with a right handed glove. He was in a panic as he got ready. "Do I need a nut cup?" "Do I have a water bottle?" "How will my coach know who I am?" Luckily, he was ok with the glove. He believed me that he didnt need a nut cup for tot ball and I bribed him with kool aid when we were done. Whew! We made it the two blocks to Longfellow and we were only a few minutes late. I coaxed him onto the field and turned to spend an hour sweating in the bleachers with a cling two year old who has practically transluscent skin. I only mention the skin because you guessed it...I forgot the sunscreen!

We all survived the first practice and I will be better prepared (hopefully) for the next few games. The kids went on to enjoy the afternoon at the pool with Noel while Sloane napped off his heat stroke and I cleaned my closet and put away the never ending supply of laundry. We ended the day with Sorens game on a beautiful night! We didnt win, however the highlight was realizing when we arrived (5 minutes late of course) Stellen had on the shortest, tightest pair of shorts I have ever seen on a 4 year old. When my aunt Julie arrived to the game she said,"My Stellen, you are getting so big, look how long your legs have gotten!" Now, if this wouldve been my 1st through 3rd child I wouldve died of embarrassment! But now I can see the humor in the crazy things that happen. I had to fess up that I didnt notice when we loaded in the car that he had grabbed Sloanes size 24 month shorts on accident. Oh well, at least his legs are cute!!

After a busy night we are home and I managed to make scrambled eggs and PB&J's and the kids are all nestled in with full bellies and sunburned cheeks watching the totally inappropriate Austen Powers movie...but at least they are all quiet!


  1. OMG ... I woke up the house laughing so hard! You are a writer! So funny. Keep 'em coming baby Girl! You have great material!!!

  2. I have tears in my eyes from laughing so hard!!!
